Assessment of the significance of the change

The requirements of Commission Regulation (EU) 402/2013 impose on a number of entities (railway undertaking, infrastructure manager, entity in charge of maintenance, manufacturer) the obligation to assess the impact on safety of practically every change planned to be introduced in connection withimplemented activity. If it is found that a change has an impact on safety (as is the case in the vast majority of cases), it is necessary to carry out a process of assessing its significance based on the criteria of the regulation. This process, depending from the scope and subject of the change, may be characterized by high complexity and complexity. In this case, it is particularly useful to know how similar changes are assessed on the market and how the National Security Authority (UTK) perceives and evaluates individual approaches of applicants.
Based on the experience of its employees in conducting dozens of such assessments (including very large projects on a national scale), the Railway Transport Institute offers comprehensive assistance in conducting an assessmentsignificance of each type of change. It should be borne in mind that the team of experts signing the assessment takes responsibility for the introduced changes, so it is important to provide all possible means andtake advantage of any help you canminimize change risk.